Start planning your abstract submission
The call for abstracts will open on 20 June 2022.
Preliminary information about the call for abstracts has now been published on the World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 website. Find out about the presentation formats and the support that is available, including the mentoring programme. Several videos have also been published in Arabic, English, Japanese and Spanish with top tips for abstract submitters.
The full submission guidelines will be available in June.
Abstracts will be invited that:
- report on the latest research with original scientific data (this includes systematic/narrative reviews and meta-analyses; submissions with pending results and study protocols will not be accepted)
- address new and unique developments in practice, theory, education, management, policy and resources
- describe innovative ways in which established methods have been adapted to meet the changing needs of practice
Find out more: https://wp2023.world.
Deadline for abstract submissions: 29 September 2022
World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 online package
Have your say and complete our short survey to help shape the online package for World Physiotherapy Congress 2023.
Recognising that it will not be possible for everyone to attend the congress in Dubai in person, we are exploring options to develop an online package.
World Physiotherapy wants to make sure as many people as possible are able to benefit from the congress. Complete our survey now and help shape how we develop the congress online package.
Deadline to complete survey: 3 June 2022
The online package will be in addition to the in-person event in Dubai, 2-4 June 2023 and it will run after the congress.